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Amazing Ways You Can Use Instagram For Restaurant Marketing

Amazing Ways You Can Use Instagram For Restaurant Marketing

Use Instagram for Restaurant Marketing - Marketing can be a hectic and expensive task but it’s not always necessary to follow that tedious path. With active users of around 500 million, Instagram is a perfect platform to advertise your restaurant or café. But there is a thing that you should know; more than 95 million posts are shared on Instagram every day. So, you have to come up with something that makes you stand out from the crowd.

As an owner, your aim should be to publish content in the form of pictures that will boost the growth of sales of your business. So without stuffing many words, here is the list of ways that will throw some light on how to use Instagram to successfully market your restaurant or café:


According to a survey, 75% of people purchased a product because they saw it somewhere on a social media platform. So before posting any picture or other content, make sure that you have double-checked the post. Your photos should include all the things that well define your business and should be unique and different from competitors. 

Things such as events, contests, and, food are the main things that you need to work on. And always remember, just because people are likely to buy things that they see online, you should not be carried away with sharing complete advertisements based posts. You should know how to make a balance between promotional posts and posts that help in engaging.

Engaging with the audience

The people that have been following you on Instagram are the ones who are likely to go to your restaurant or café one day to order something. So, you must engage with these people regularly. Post questions like “Pizzas or Burgers?” or ask, such as what kind of event they like a dance or a song in restaurants. And replying to the comments is not something that every business does. This way you let your customer know that you care for them.

Pleasing Photos

When it comes to Instagram, one thing that has to be given the most priority is the photos. High-quality and attractive photos lead to more views. So, make sure that the lighting is great, the background is nice and clean, and the composition is done right. There are plenty of applications available that can be used to edit your pictures; give it try some of them and go for the one that suits you the most.

Importance to hashtags

Hashtags became widely famous after Instagram came out. They are a great way for people to find things, but more importantly, hashtags are a great way to find you! So, think from the customer's point of view and what stuff they might search for. Use relevant hashtags in your caption to generate maximum leads.

Go live

Cooking food is an art and your customers will be very pleased to see how all these delicious cuisines are made. You can randomly post a video of special dishes or ask your customers about their favorite dish and post a video of how it is made. You can also go live stream an event that might be going in your place. The possibilities are countless; it is you who has to use all the features of Instagram smartly.


Always prefer quality over quantity. However, there is no fixed number of posts that you should posts each week, but try to keep it at least once per day. Be a little choosy and try to focus on the quality of the content that you will be posting.


The Timing of your post plays a very crucial role. So, put an effort to find out about the routine of your target audiences. Posting during lunch break or office hours would be a perfect choice if you run a café.

Special Events

It does not matter what kind of business you run, you cannot ignore the importance of any occasion or festival. You should be alert during the time of festivals and grab every opportunity that comes in front of you.

Today, every business of various sizes and ventures has been trying to promote its brand on the internet. So, you must miss the race. The points mentioned above can prove to be of great use if you follow them carefully and wisely.